Registering your trademark is an important step in protecting your brand name, logo, or product. If someone else is using the same, or a similar, mark to yours, it can cause confusion among customers and damage your reputation. A federally registered trademark can also protect you from someone else copying your mark and selling it.
With our flat fee-based trademark registration services and trademark monitoring services, we can assist you with:
- Identifying the Correct Classes and Descriptions for your business
- What Can & Cannot Be Trademarked (Disclaimed Words)
- Navigating Trademark Office Actions
- Trademark Monitoring to protect your intellectual property
Trademark Videos
What is a trademark?
Should you do a trademark search before you apply for a trademark?
Please visit our legal concepts video gallery for more helpful videos.
Benefits of Getting a Trademark
Trademarking your business name is important for several reasons, such as:
- Protecting your Distinctive and recognizable brand
- Creating customer trust in your products and services
- Adding value to your intellectual property that underlies your business.
- Safeguarding your brand for years to come.
By filing for a registered trademark, you are requesting protection for the way people think of your product, service, or company. This means that if someone wants to use the same mark as yours they will have to get your permission first.
Work with Arvanitakis Law Group to Start Your Trademark Search
In general, it’s a good idea to do a trademark search before filing a trademark application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This will help you to avoid any possible conflicts with existing trademarks.
Arvanitakis Law Group can assist you with a trademark search, which will save your valuable time and prevent unwanted stress.
There are several different types of searches that you can use when searching for trademarks:
- Commercial databases like the trademark database
- Keyword search via the USPTO database
- Manual categorization search
- “Intent-to-use” searches through the USPTO’s electronic application
What’s the Difference Between a Trademark & Copyright?
Many people confuse trademarking and copyright. They both serve important purposes, but they are not the same thing. The difference between trademarks and copyright is as follows:
- Copyright protects creative and intellectual works
- Copyright will apply to literature, music, art, and other intellectual pieces such as software code
- Trademark examples apply to logos and slogans
If you would like to trademark your logo, slogan, and/or business name, please contact us to schedule an appointment. We will determine if your potential trademark is available for registration and assist with filing your trademark application.
Feel at Ease with Trademark Monitoring
Trademark monitoring is the process of monitoring a trademark to see if it is being infringed upon. This subscription from Arvanitakis Law Group is conducted to protect a company’s brand and its intellectual property. Our monitoring services assist with the following:
- Potential infringement of trademarks
- Monitoring online sources for infringement
- Conducting interviews to determine improper use
With Arvanitakis Law Group’s trademark subscription services, we will catch and put a stop to any potential infringement.
Protect your brand and your reputation with Arvanitakis Law Group’s trademark registration and monitoring services.
Our office can handle your trademark application from start to finish. Please contact us today to get started.